Software Development Outsourcing and Project Coordination
We want to become your software outsourcing partner.

Outsourcing of software development is getting more common and Thailand is one country of many which are competing in this market. But, be aware that companies providing software outsourcing services are not all the same.
At Hire Quality Software we provide a premium outsourcing experience with reasonable prices. We make sure you get what you pay for. We strongly recommend our clients to read this blog post about things to consider before deciding to outsource software development.
Why Outsourcing Software Development?
Hiring people off the internet and paying them to work on a project for months can sound scary. But, most small and medium-sized businesses do not have the time and resources to hire in-house skilled employees.
Besides cost reduction, it is not easy. There can be many barriers, like culture and language barriers. Just know, not all outsourcing companies are the same. The best way to describe them is as what you see is what you get.
What Is Project Coordination and How Does It Work?
The job of project managers is project coordination. Project managers are to take into consideration the day-to-day progress and responsibilities of their employees. Some of the many ways project managers stay organized include setting expectations, following templates, meetings, and more.
Why Choose Us?
We have had years of experience in the industry making a software application that will persevere through the future and meet today’s market standards. Our services range from developing an application from scratch or improving on your already made application. We also provide services to examine software you want to buy or code you are not confident about. As part of our development process, we work with all parties involved to gain an understanding. To allow us to know what the customer wants and how we as the organization can provide it.
ANY Risks of Outsourcing Software Development Services?
The many risks associated with outsourcing software is the management. Some business owners may be worried about the quality of the final product if it is not in their hands. However, project managers have usually worked alongside the teams for a long time and know their strengths and weaknesses. Here are some concerns regarding hiring a project manager:
Communication issues
Communication can be difficult due to outsourcing software developers being from different regions of the world. Any error in relaying messages to the project manager can affect the whole project.
Risk data security
Since you have a project manager, you may contemplate providing confidential information to that third party. But, you have to consider that the data you provide will no longer be private.
Poor quality
While regarding individual software development services, each company has its standards of quality and schedule, which they follow to ensure the product will meet your expectations. It would benefit you to find services where a company provides everything you need and nothing less.
Limited involvement
In-house managers are much more expensive to come by due to the involvement in their customer’s business. A third-party software development team, chances are they do not know a lot about your business or industry in general. Unless they have a protocol designed to become familiar with your business, then they can overlook many designs in their project.
Why Choose Us?
Our organization provides transparent third-party services. We know the concerns you have, so there is no excuse when it comes to providing your business with our best work.
Here is how we lessen the burden of your concerns:

Dependable Project Management
Hiring a project manager allows them to take the burden of solving day-to-day activities among the development team. Trying to take over the role as a project manager without experience can be time-consuming, all you need to do with a PM is answer their questions and you can continue the work you need to do.

High Level of
Skills and Flexibility
Third-party software development services are used to working with customers in many industries. By all means, this supports an outsourcing company’s wide range of experience. Also, most outsourcing companies have more than one team operating. That means customers are usually allowed to find a private manager they think would best suit their needs.

Skilled at Managing a Budget
Along with saving time, project managers have had enough experience on how to make sure everything is finished before deadlines and ensure the team only uses the number of resources needed. A well-organized schedule, budget, and quick responses to issues allow PMs to excel within the given time and funds.
We provide outsourcing services in three different packages
1) Fixed Priced Projects
We write you a proposal and set a price to the scope of work. After the project is completed we provide a three-month bug-guarantee where we fix any found bugs free of charge.
2) Time and Material Projects
We write you a proposal with an estimated scope of work and an estimated cost. We will be invoicing you once a month for the amount of time spent by our team, based on each resource category hourly rate.
3) Dedicated Teams
We provide you with a team consisting of the exact types of resources you need. We invoice you once a month for the amount of time spent by the team.
This option is recommended for clients who already have a local team and is looking for growing their team by hiring additional developers, quality assurance consultants, architects or project managers to be located in an offshore team in Thailand.
Hire Quality Software can help you with your software development needs. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation.